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Below is a list of Drugs Offence charges against Andrew Edgar defendants and their outcome. This is not a complete list, but rather some examples to demonstrate the different case types and the favourable verdict that he was able to achieve.
R v. S.S.
Charge: Charged with possession of 3 grams cocaine
Verdict: Acquitted at trial
R v. R.H.
Charge: Charged with possession of 4 grams crack
Verdict: Charge withdrawn
R v. D.W.
Charge: Charged with possession of 2.7 grams crack
Verdict: Charge withdrawn
R v. W.M.
Charge: Charged with possession of 2 grams of cocaine and 23 Oxycontin pills
Verdict: Received absolute discharge
R v. A.H.
Charge: Charged with possession of 3 grams of cocaine
Verdict: Charges withdrawn after filing Charter Application alleging violation of rights to unreasonable search
R v. E.A.
Charge: Client sold an ounce of marijuana to an undercover officer
Verdict: Client received discharge
R v. A.M.
Charge: Client charged with trafficking .5 gram of crack cocaine to an individual who was later arrested with the drug
Verdict: Trafficking charge was dropped, plea entered to possession only, client granted absolute discharge
R v. M.C.
Charge: The police were surveying client – watched him sell 2 ounces of marijuana to another individual
Verdict: Charges were withdrawn
R v. A.M.
Charge: Client was charged with selling 1 gram of crack to an individual while the police were conducting surveillance
Verdict: Charge withdrawn
R v. D.R.
Charge: Client charged with selling 15 Oxycontin pills to undercover officer
Verdict: Charge was amended to possession and client received absolute discharge
R v. K.R.
Charge: Client charged with trafficking 1 gram crack cocaine to officer
Verdict: Charges withdrawn
R v. A.H.
Charge: Client charged with importing 75 kilograms of khat
Verdict: Client received absolute discharge
R v. R.S.
Charge: Client imported over a kilogram of cocaine
Verdict: Client acquitted at trial
R v. J.T.
Charge: Client was charged with conspiracy to import and export drugs for his role in a criminal organization that was exporting marijuana to the U.S. and importing cocaine in exchange
Verdict: Charges withdrawn
R v. M.S.
Charge: Client imported switch blades and other prohibited weapons into Canada
Verdict: Client received a discharge
Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking
R v. A.D.
Charge: Client charged with 400 grams of marijuana and $2000 cash
Verdict: The money was returned and client received a discharge
R v. J.R.
Charge: Charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking a half ounce of crack cocaine
Verdict: Charges withdrawn in Superior Court after preliminary hearing
R v. M.M.
Charge: Charged with 40 grams of heroin
Verdict: Charges withdrawn
R v. J.K.
Charge: Charged with Possession for the purpose of trafficking 12 grams crack cocaine
Verdict: Charges reduced to possession, client received absolute discharge in Superior Court
R v. R.H.
Charge: Police located 8 grams crack cocaine in hotel room that client was staying in
Verdict: Charges withdrawn at trial
R v. L.N.
Charge: Charged with possession of 2 pounds of marijuana
Verdict: Client received absolute discharge
R v. P.R.
Charge: Client charged with 45 grams of cocaine after search warrant executed at his residence
Verdict: Charges were withdrawn and the money found by police was returned to accused
R v. O.A.
Charge: Client was charged with approx. 300 grams of heroin
Verdict: Charges were withdrawn in Superior Court following the preliminary hearing
Production of Substance
R v. D.W.
Charge: Client charged with producing 60 marijuana plants
Verdict: Charge was withdrawn
R v. K.S.
Charge: Client charged with production of methamphetamine and possession for the purpose of trafficking 60 grams of methamphetamine
Verdict: Charges withdrawn and laboratory equipment was returned to client
R v. D.G.
Charge: Client charged with growing 8 plants of marijuana
Verdict: Charge withdrawn
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